First Baptist Church of Portage la Prairie, MB
A Community Celebrating the Love of Jesus!
Worship Service
Sunday mornings at 10:45 am
Please join us for our Sunday morning and monthly Sunday evening worship services (10:45am weekly and 6pm monthly). Each service is comprised of music, praise time, children's Sunday School and a sermon time where we learn and apply God's Word to our lives.
House Groups
Bible Studies
We have small groups meeting in multiple homes. Contact the church for more information!
Coming together as a church family
Throughout the year, our church family plans and hosts various  activities such as potlucks, a summer picnic, Couples Night, Fellowship Dinners, Christmas dinner, Games Night, and more.
We're doing new things all the time so stay tuned for more info!
FBC- Packed Shoe boxes and sent out 110. Praise God and Praying for each Child who will receive this gift. here is FBC Kids sharing Gods Love to kids across the world they do not know, but God Does!